Theatre in Song – Criteria

The International Vocal Competition (IVC) 2025 Edition competition is titled Theatre in Song and replaces the former IVC LiedDuo competition.

What is Theatre in Song?

Theatre in Song is a unique competition to showcase a more dynamic way to present the classical vocal art form of song.

Theatre in Song seeks to inspire artists to engage more fully with audiences in a celebration of voice and music.

Theatre in Song requires artists to be curious, to research, to curate and to present a fully worked through and thematically planned out presentation with the emphasis on communication, dramatic presentation and storytelling.

Theatre in Song encourages artists to think outside of the box as to how they wish to present themselves and their partners in a theatrical presentation.

Theatre in Song is a dramatic presentation of a duration of 40-45 minutes. The presentations are to be developed within themes such as climate change, love, social (in)equality, etc. Each program is to be given a title to reflect its theme.

Theatre in Song repertoire can be drawn from any classical art song compositions; the core art song repertoire of German Lieder and French Melodies may feature as part of this project but presented in a theatrical way together with new works and works that show an awareness of diversity.

Competition Dates

Preliminary Selections
Applications open: 5 May 2025
Applications close: 23 June 2025

Online interviews will be scheduled between 30 June and 7 July with a select number of candidates. Following these interviews, the finalists will be announced who are then invited to the competition in September 2025.

Theatre in Song
25 & 26 September 2025: Technical rehearsals participants
27 & 28 September 2025: Final performances

Venue: Theater aan de Parade – Pleinzaal (small hall) in ’s-Hertogenbosch

Address: Parade 23, 5211 KL ’s-Hertogenbosch


  • Iain Burnside – Pianist & BBC Radio 3 Programme Maker (Jury President)
  • Corné Ran – Programmer Royal Concertgebouw Amsterdam
  • Andrew Comben – Chief Executive Britten Pears Arts
  • Robert Holl – Bass
  • Yvonne Kenny – Soprano
  • Simon McBurney – Stage director, Actor, Founder theatre group Complicité
  • Paul Kildea – Conductor, Musicologist & Artistic Director Musica Viva Australia

Jury Preliminary Selections

  • Nino Gvetadze – Pianist & Artistic Director Delft Chamber Music Festival
  • Lisenka Heijboer Castañón – Stage director
  • Waut Koeken – Stage Director & Artistic Director Opera Zuid
  • Manuela Ochakovski – Soprano & Vocal Pedagogue
  • Andrew Watts – General & Artistic Director IVC – International Countertenor

The Process

Digital registration consisting of completed programme and vocal extracts for selection of participants by IVC Jury and International presenters.

A Competition period (Finals) in which the eight to ten concepts are presented to the public and from which prize-winners are chosen. Final presentations will be at Theater aan de Parade, ’s-Hertogenbosch.

Total amount of prize money: € 32,500

Theatre in Song offers international on-going professional engagements for these presentations as well as prize money.

Travel reimbursement finalists: € 500 per presentation

The competition

  • 40 – 45-minutes programme of a curated programme demonstrating one comprehensive theme with at least 30 minutes of live singing.
  • The programme is to feature the classical voice with or without accompaniment. The programme may be voice and piano, voice and one solo instrument or solo voice.
  • The main feature of the programme is to be the classical voice and they are classed as Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, Contralto (Alto), Countertenor, Tenor, Baritone, Bass-baritone and Bass.
  • Each programme must be given a title, and the programme should be curated to represent a theme, and this should be clear throughout the programme narrative.

Technical materials

  • Steinway & Sons D grand piano is available (442Hz) on the stage
  • Self-brought handheld props may be used in the performance. A simple chair and small table and can be provided on stage.
  • A simple lighting plan and stage direction manual should be provided.
  • It is possible to project video during the performance.
  • No amplification, of (singing) voice nor speech, nor instruments is allowed.
  • A specified technical list will be provided by the theatre:
  • It is not possible to bring your own crew. Participants are spokespersons themselves. Technical and stage management team will be provided by IVC.

Programme requirements

  • Repertoire can be drawn for any art song compositions; the core art song repertoire of German Lieder and French mélodies may feature as part of this project but presented in a theatrical way together with new works and works that show an awareness of diversity. Operatic, oratorio and concert repertoire are not allowed.
  • 40 – 45-minute curated programme demonstrating one comprehensive theme with at least 30 minutes of live singing.
  • The programme should include at least 3 languages.
  • Transcriptions and arrangements of songs are allowed.
  • All songs must be sung from memory.
  • There are no set time periods from which repertoire can be chosen but applicants should present a broad spectrum of time periods.
  • Each programme must demonstrate an awareness of diversity throughout either in terms of music or text.
  • Participants compile their programme order themselves. The songs must be performed in the program sequence specified by the participants.
  • The compulsory song will be sung by all voices and for 2025 is composed by the Dutch Israeli composer Karmit Fadael. The song is for unaccompanied voice without text and should be used to reflect the theme as whole. Duration of the compulsory song is 2,5 minutes. Sheet music will be available from May 2025.
  • Participants must clearly state their programmes, including name of composer (with year of birth and year of death, if applicable), title song, title song cycle, and performance time of each work
  • It is allowed to perform a (partly) existing programme curated by the participants, it does not need to be a unique first performance (premiere).


  • The Competition is open to professional singers and instrumentalists of all nationalities, who have completed their professional education or are currently in their final year and aim for a professional career or have an equivalent level of training.
  • Age limit participants: Born on 29 September 1990 or later, max. 34 years old. Participants are not younger than 18 years.
  • Applications can only be made via the competition’s website ( The application is only definite after the Participant has paid the application fee and submitted all required information and documentation correctly.
  • Application fee: € 100 per registration (duo, or solo voice). No further entry fee payment is required after selection for the competition proper.
  • Payment and inscription deadline for the Competition proper: 23 June 2025.
  • The entry fee will not be refunded to Participants who withdraw from the Competition after acceptance.


  • Applications open: 5 May 2025
  • Applications close: 23 June 2025
  • Interviews will be scheduled between 30 June and 7 July with a select number of candidates. Following these interviews, the finalists will be announced who are then invited to the competition in September 2025.
  • Each applicant will deliver a completed programme with title and an explanation as to the choices and narrative. Max. 2 A4 Pdf
  • Each applicant will provide a video of two contrasting songs. Minimum 5 minutes, maximum 10 minutes in total.
  • Each applicant will provide a video of spoken text of maximum 1,5 minutes.
58th International Vocal Competition ’s-Hertogenbosch (IVC)

“Theatre in Song”

25 – 28 September 2025

Where stars are born