
Andrew Watts

General & Artistic director

Few countertenors have pushed the boundaries of repertoire and sound more than Andrew Watts. A dramatic voice unlike any other and extraordinary stagecraft and presence make him a unique performer not only of parts traditionally associated with the voice type, but also a pioneer of 20th and 21st-century repertoire. He is associated particularly with parts like Edgar in Reiman’s Lear, which he has performed at Staatsoper Hamburg, Opéra national de Paris, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Bayerische Staatsoper Munich and which will take him to Teatro Real Madrid next season. As well as singing core roles of the countertenor repertoire, he has performed over 60 world premieres. Andrew Watts was IVC jury member in 2018 and gave masterclasses during the 'IVC - Art of Singing' academy in 2023. "I am very honoured to contribute to the rich history of the IVC and thus to the cultural landscape of 's-Hertogenbosch, North Brabant and the Netherlands."

foto Andrew Watts
© Sarah Hickson

Edwin Thus

Production Manager

I've always been very interested in different kinds of music and therefore went studying Arts and Culture Sciences at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. After an internship, I worked a couple of years for the artistic affairs department of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and the Gergiev Festival. After that, I produced my own music program (classical, world and jazz) for radio and television broadcaster RTV Rijnmond. Via several community arts musical theatre projects, opera stagings and concerts, I discovered the IVC. By now, I've worked for ten competitions, multiple Summer Schools, masterclasses and laureates' concerts, and met hundreds of young singers from all over the world. That's what makes the IVC unique!

Ariane Hofman

Management Assistant

A life without music is unthinkable. Although I wanted to sing, I decided to start working in the field of public relations. After ten years in the hotel industry and event organizing, I followed my heart after all and studied voice. I sang for many years; opera, oratorio and song. My path brought me to the IVC, where I've been working with utmost pleasure since 2013. Here, my working experience and love for classical singing come together. What is more beautiful than helping young, talented and hard working singers on their way to the top? The human voice keeps intriguing me. Every voice is unique. It is wonderful to be a part of the IVC team and keep discovering voices.

Monique de Adelhart Toorop


I really fit in at IVC; I have a thing for numbers as well as music. After graduating as a jazz vocal performer, I took the road of theater maker/composer and started writing, producing and performing my own pieces. I can put the experience I have gained in this way to good use for IVC. Moreover, I am a lover of classical singing and I find talent development indispensable in the education chain of professional performing arts: without education and craftsmanship you do not cultivate excellence.

© Cyriel Jacobs Compositional