Privacy policy


By means of this privacy policy statement the IVC wants to inform its (professional) contacts about its policy concerning the AVG-law. The effects for different groups are mentioned separately below.


Stichting ’s-Hertogenbosch Muziekstad

The IVC is managed by the Stichting ’s-Hertogenbosch Muziekstad. The IVC's postal address is PO Box 1225, 5200 BG ’s-Hertogenbosch. Our office address is Prins Bernhardstraat 8, 5211 HE ’s-Hertogenbosch. ’s-Hertogenbosch Muziekstad is registered at the Chamber of Commerce under number 41080527. Our general email address is


Website visits and cookie policy

Using this website results in the placements of certain cookies on the visitor's computer. Cookies are small text files which are downloaded by the visitor's browser. These cookies serve multiple goals:

  • Optimising our service: the IVC uses “analytics cookies” to map the usage of the website. With this information, the IVC tries to improve the effectiveness and usability of its website. 
  • To provide users with targeted offers of products or services. The IVC uses cookies to provide visitors to its website with relevant information.



The IVC uses the email addresses in its newsletter address files only to send the IVC newsletter. We sent 8 newsletters a year on average. People who are interested can apply for the newsletter through a link on the website or live at our events.

The email newsletter file is managed by the office of the IVC. The data are sent through a secured link and stored in a secured data base. The IVC does not offer its newsletter files to third parties. Recipients of the letter are offered the possibility to cancel their subscription with every letter.


Candidate files

The IVC manages the data of the competition candidates of the past, present and future. By this we mean contact data such as email, postal address and telephone number, and data concerning voice type, curriculum vitae and payment methods where applicable. The IVC does not keep copies of ID-cards or passports.

The information is kept on digitial files which are managed by the team of the IVC (direction, direction secretary and production management). Candidates can ask for a look into their files and request corrections or clearance of this information.


Volunteers and host family files

The IVC has a file of volunteers and host families who are involved with the competition. Their contact addresses (email, postal address, telephone numbers and sometimes bank account numbers) are known, sometimes in combination with more personal information like interests, preferences and availability.

The information is kept in digital files which are managed by the team of the IVC (direction, direction secretary and production management). The IVC does not offer these files to third parties. If necessary, contact information will be shared internally, in agreement with the volunteers and the host families. These partners retain the right to look into their files and correct kept data. If a volunteer or a host family is no longer connected to the IVC, removal of their files can be requested.


Friends files

For the Friends of the IVC the same rules apply as for the volunteers and host families.



The IVC organises in collaboration with other organisations contracts for artists who are linked to our foundation. In order to organise payment, work agreements are contractually specified. This includes contact and address data, VAT numbers, BSN numbers and payment information. These data are shared with an administration office that processes the actions. The IVC has made agreements with the administration office to protect privacy-sensitive data. All data are stored in agreement with the period as prescribed by the tax authorities of the Netherlands. Upon request data can be viewed, corrected and removed.


Judgement data

The IVC keeps the manual judgements of the professional juries of the competition proper to be able to prove (in case of retrospective reclamations) that the judgements were made in accordance with the rules. At this point, the judgements are not shared with third parties. They are kept in our archives for possible historical interest in the future.


Hosting party

Our emails are stored in the Cloud.



In case of possible complaints you can reach us through the email address mentioned above. In case you feel that your complaint has not been dealt with in an adequate manner, you can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

New contacts will be explicitly informed about the possibility to clear data. All other contacts are informed by this document.
