
Discover, Develop, Deliver

The IVC proudly carries its 'Triple D Status': Discover, Develop and Deliver. We discover during the competition, develop through masterclasses, training weeks, courses and summer schools and deliver the singers to the market and its decision makers.

Human Touch

The IVC is a tough competition with a human touch. We are most aware of the pressures that young singers experience and strive to give every competitor – also the ones that do not win – a worthwhile experience that serves as an encouragement for the future.


We have started the ambitious IVC 2.0 project which will give the whole world access to the IVC through our internet platform. We strive to become an international helpdesk for all things related to classical singing.


We have been founded in 1954 and are the only international singing competition in the Netherlands comprising Opera, Oratorio and Lied.

The Concours for which the world comes to Brabant

With enthusiasm, experience, reliability and creativity, the IVC has been providing musical highlights and an artistic experience in 's-Hertogenbosch for 68 years. The IVC guarantees world-class classical vocal music. And for collegial cooperation with all organisations that want to benefit from our knowledge and contacts. At the same time, we actively work on renewing the format, presentation and our audience.

The International Vocal Competition 's-Hertogenbosch has been called the 'musical Tefaf of North Brabant'. Singers of all nationalities (79 nationalities in the past five years) come to 's-Hertogenbosch because of the IVC. World stars are born on the stage of the Theater aan de Parade.

Our "singing battle" offers music from the Renaissance to the 21st century, but with an exciting element: the competition format. Young talent performs before a prominent international jury, an international press, a youth jury and an enthusiastic audience. Each time, exceptional singers from all over the world come to the south of the Netherlands.
De beste wint.

The IVC conducts a Triple-O status: discover, develop and transfer. We want to share the joy and inexhaustible richness associated with singing opera, song or oratorio in a unique, welcoming way. We do this for everyone. Also for those who are less familiar with it.

For many budding singers, the IVC is an indispensable link between training and professional life and a jump to the world top. With our expertise, we support our colleagues in both the professional and amateur worlds.
