Host families

If you live in 's-Hertogenbosch or the surrounding area (max. 15 km), would like to help a young singer and experience the excitement of the competition up close, you can sign up as a host family for an IVC candidate during the upcoming competition. The IVC is looking for around 70 sleeping places for the contestants.

It is impossible to organise a successful competition without the support of host families. Staying with a host family is experienced by competition participants as a warm embrace during strenuous and exciting days. Long-term friendships regularly grow out of these two weeks.

What is expected of a host family?
  • A good place to sleep with breakfast. Offering lunch and/or dinner is allowed but not required.
  • If there is opportunity, the singers can also prepare their own food at your home.
  • When venues are easily accessible by public transport or on foot, singers usually travel independently. Offering a bicycle to borrow - whenever possible - is always nice.

Furthermore, each host family is free to fill in the details as they wish.


Do you speak Chinese?

If so, it would be extra interesting for us to get in touch with you. 

We would love to hear from you!

Want to know more?

If you fill in the form below, Ariane Hofman will contact you.

'We have already blocked our diaries for the two IVC festival weeks! A long and wonderful warm bath of enjoying up-and-coming talent in an exciting competition with a Final you don't want to miss!'

Niki Brinkman & Jef Oomen

(Chairman Foundation Friends of the IVC, host family, fan)

‘We enjoyed every moment of it! Starting with the host family, the venue and just the entire atmosphere, it was a week to cherish forever.
You have to be completely focused when it matters the most. And we loved how passionate the audience was.’

Milan Siljanov (bariton) & Nino Chokhonelidze (pianist)

'We have been welcoming Concours participants into our home for 30 years. We often give them the key and show them where the fridge is. People are allowed to pretend they are at home, I think they appreciate that freedom. The presence of guests also feels a bit like a holiday at home. It breaks the daily grind. You want them to have a good time and not lack anything. You have contact with a stranger and everything goes a little differently at home, which is great fun!'

Marjo & Peter van Well

(host family, fan)

 'Most extraordinary is to hear how the participants stimulate and inspire each other during rehearsals at our home. If there is a good click, you gain a new family member. We are still in contact with several participants. We are already looking forward to the next Concours!'

Bernadette en Hans van der Sterren

(host family, IVC volunteer, fan)

 ‘Like every competition, it is nerve-wracking. You have to work hard to be consistent.
There are many things we enjoyed during the competition …. We had the most amazing host families with whom we are still in contact.
And we met truly gifted musicians and friends along the way!

 Adèle Charvet (mezzosopraan) & Florian Caroubi (pianist)
