Opera & Brunch

Sunday May 25th 2025
11.00 - Pleinzaal, Theater aan de Parade

Geniet van de mooiste opera aria’s van ongekend talentvolle operazangers en zangeressen, onder het genot van een luxe brunch.

Mezzo-soprano Roza Herwij and pianist Julius Backer bring their characteristically exciting programming to Den Bosch.

IVC – Theatre in Song

In 2025 the IVC will launch its new competition entitled ‘Theatre in Song’. The format of this competition is different from previous competitions and will inspire artists to engage audiences more with song and music.

Theatre in Song – Criteria

The International Vocal Competition (IVC) 2025 Edition competition is titled Theatre in Song and replaces the former IVC LiedDuo competition.

‘IVC a safe oasis.’

Opera Magazine spoke to artistic and general director Andrew Watts about the anniversary singing competition. What has the past year been like?

Winners 57th IVC Opera | Oratorio 2024

After a thrilling and atmospheric finale, the Portuguese mezzo-soprano Cláudia Ribas became the convincing winner of the 57th edition of the International Vocal Competition.

Helping next generation on its way

portret eva maria westbroek ©Fazil Berisha

Brabant Cultureel sprak met Eva-Maria Westbroek: ‘Een prijs op een concours winnen kan het begin betekenen van een succesvolle carrière. Dat je een volgende generatie op weg kunt helpen, daar wil ik me graag voor inzetten.’
