Become a friend of the IVC

Young singers need your support!

The IVC is the only international vocal competition in the Netherlands and can hold its own amongst the most important classical singing competitions in the world. Our small team and the singers that we support can really use your help.

Give young singers that little bit of support for which you will get some nice things in return every year, but which will above all ensure that the IVC can continue to build a bright artistic future for talent that deserves it.

You can join on your own, or with your partner or a friend.
There is the basic Friendship from €50 per person, or €75 for two people.
Club Crescendo membership from €250 per person, or €400 for two people.

Would you like to become a Friend of the IVC or receive more information about the various possibilities? Then send an email to Ariane Hofman: or fill in the form. Ariane will then contact you.

Also for information on donations, legacies or an annual contribution exceeding the amount of Club Crescendo.

Friends are worth a lot to us!

  • You help young singers and we let you share in the celebration of the Competition.
  • You will become a member of the IVC family and receive invitations as a Friend
  • Every Concours we invite you to a friends drink
  • On your behalf, the Friends Award will be presented
  • From Club Crescendo get special offers

Donation: fiscally attractive

Our foundation is designated as a cultural ANBI by the tax authorities. The advantage is that donations to our foundation are tax deductible and the foundation does not pay inheritance and gift tax. The amount you donate privately is - if you commit yourself for at least five years - 125% eligible for income tax deduction. This also applies to smaller amounts. More information about our ANBI-status.

Bequeathing through a bequest, in a form that suits you

There are several possibilities to contribute to the survival of the International Vocal Competition even after your death. If you are considering this, please contact Ariane Hofman for advice:

Want to know more?

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