Prizes Competition 2024

  • Grand Prix ’s-Hertogenbosch (1st Prize)
    € 15,000
    Made possible by Truus und Gerrit van Riemsdijk Stiftung.


  • Toonkunst Prize (2nd Prize)
    € 7,500
    Made possible by Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Toonkunst.


  • Staetshuys Fund Prize (3rd Prize)
    € 3,500
    Made possible by Staetshuys Fund.


  • Wagner Prize
    € 3,000 cash prize, plus € 2,000 scholarship prize
    The ‘Wagnergenootschap Nederland’ has consciously chosen to create a prize that will continue the education and further professional development of the winner. This amount can also be used to cover the costs of participation in masterclasses given by a Wagner specialist. With the Wagner Prize the Richard Wagner Foundation Netherlands aim to promote the work by composer Richard Wagner to the attention of audiences and musicians and to encourage young singers into this field.


  • Young Talent Prize
    € 3,500
    The Young Talent Prize is awarded to a singer under the age of 25. The winner will be determined in the Semi-finals.
    Made possible by Herason Foundation.


  • Van Amelsvoort Prize
    € 2,500
    Prize will be given to the participant who best performs the compulsory piece Veronese’s Green by composer Bart Visman.
    Made possible by André and Josée van Amelsvoort.


  • Marianne Blok Prize
    € 3,500
    For the most musically gifted coloratura soprano. The winner may also be determined in the First Round or Semi-finals.
    Made possible by the Marianne Blok Foundation.


  • ANED Fund Audience Prize
    € 1,500
    The Audience Prize will be chosen by the members of the audience during the Final.
    Made possible by ANED Fund: Annett Andriesen & Edwin Rutten.


  • Prize Association Friends of the IVC
    € 1,500
    Made possible by the Foundation Friends of the IVC.


  • Press Prize
    € 1,000
    Awarded by the press jury.


  • Junior Jury Prize
    € 1,000
    Awarded by students in voice and music theatre.


  • Various Laureates’ Concerts and Engagements
    Various concerts and engagements are offered. Complete listing published on the IVC website within short.
IVC 2024-EN