
Wie zijn de mensen achter de International Vocal Competition ’s-Hertogenbosch? Ontmoet het team.


De IVC is een harde wedstrijd met een menselijk gezicht en trots op haar ‘Triple O Status’: Ontdekken, Ontwikkelen en Overdragen. Bewust van de druk op jonge kunstenaars is de IVC een plek waar zij een waardevolle ervaring en een steuntje in de rug kunnen ervaren.

Rules & Regulations

Read all about the general conditions, your application and the competition.

Prize Song 2024

Composer Bart Visman and lyricist Marc Pantus created a cycle of songs about an artist’s experiences on stage for consecutive Competitions.

Prizes Competition 2024

Several prizes will be awarded after the grand finale in addition to the Grand Prix ’s-Hertogenbosch for a range of outstanding vocal accomplishments.


Meet the musicians working with our candidates backstage and on stage: Philzuid, conductor David Parry and pianists Markus Zugehör, Fran Hills and Ian Tindale.


57th International Vocal Competition ’s-Hertogenbosch: 67 candidates, 27 nationalities


To find the winners, the biggest names from the world of opera, oratorio and classical music have been recruited. Who are they?

Criteria en repertoire

The IVC is the only international classical music singing competition in the Netherlands and is open to (pre-)professional singers of all nationalities.

Competition schedule

From preliminary rounds to finals, recitals to master classes: the entire competition in a nutshell.
